2021 March Newsletter

We found Gao at 14 years old in a downtown brothel, they use to give her a small salary but no more as her pimp’s drug addiction has grown and he was now out of control, he killed her eight years old brother because she refused to return to him, he swore he was going to kill all of us at AH if she did not return, she’s now a Christian and has a degree in tourism but with covid-19 she cares for aged people changing their diapers, she is happy to do this for all that Christ has done for her. Also pictured in the back is Nan and Bee, two of our precious staff members, once our kids now grown, studying for a B.A. in English online at AH-Thailand.

Sticky Fall – a free water park – where our Church goes for a fun day twice a yr.

Soak It Up

Linda Zuniga visiting David and I back in the day has recently graduated from Pepperdine University in CA, getting a doctorate in Jurisprudence. If we ever raise up a Human Traffic shelter in the States, Linda has agreed to manage it pro-bono. AH is looking for a motel default in mid-Florida, to be a shelter for Trafficked girls. Linda speaks Spanish which will come in handy when abused girls from Cuba, Mexico and the Caribbean are bought and sold in this state and needs rescued.. Praying for a ‘grant’ approval. Tim Tebow recently received 100 million dollars from the US government towards aid for these type of girls. It is by invitation that we would get an audience with Tim’s foundation. Ask the Lord for AH to have favor and open doors. [email protected]

AH boys and girls playing soccer in our neighborhood, across the street from the crematorium also pictured is an apartment house for university students needing Christ in their lives. our AH property does join with this field.